Landscape Maintenance Services Around San Marino, CA

We know how important it is to keep properties well maintained and looking good. Not only does a well-maintained landscape keep customers happy, but it also increases property value, curb appeal, saves water, and improves the quality of outdoor living areas. Let us help you achieve that!

We provide quality landscaping maintenance services that ensure the property looks great year-round. See how professional maintenance services can enhance your property’s curb appeal and ultimately enhance the value of your home or business. We use only the highest-quality products and well-maintained equipment to keep your landscape looking good at all times.

We have extensive experience in residential and commercial property landscape management. We currently provide landscape maintenance services for small residences and large estates, commercial shopping centers and businesses, apartment complexes, condominium associations, and HOA’s.

Our Services



quality and professionalism


Grow Control Landscape is a full-service, residential / commercial landscape and irrigation contractor providing superior services all around Los Angeles and Orange County since 2013.



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